Sheila Weiss is one of our founding members who demonstrates her compassion for advocating for the LGBT!Q+ community and those who love them. As an ally, she works to provide our chapter with leadership by Leading With Love.
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PFLAG Sarasota Chapter
PFLAG envisions a world where every person is safe, celebrated, empowered, and loved. PFLAG leads with love.
A membership in PFLAG extends a helping hand to families/friends who have LGBTQIA members, provides educational materials for families and the public, and offers a family voice that stands for equality and justice for all human beings. You can join at any time of the year.
A whole family for a whole year runs October 1 - September 30
PFLAG Sarasota Membership - Cost for the 2023-2024 year is $30.00
Leading with love is our way to show all people that they are seen and heard. Our family members, friends, neighbors and co-workers deserve nothing less.
In the USA – we share the same rights as all other US citizens – our neighbors, friends and co-workers. LGBTQ+ protections to equal and fair treatment in society is at risk due to erosion of these civil rights.
Meet Our Board
Sheila Weiss is one of our founding members who demonstrates her compassion for advocating for the LGBT!Q+ community and those who love them. As an ally, she works to provide our chapter with leadership by Leading With Love.
Bruce Nelson serves as Treasurer of our chapter providing leadership and many years of PFLAG experience.
Our newly elected Secretary is Kim Hunt. She experiences first hand the challenges in our community as a fifth grade elementary school teacher in Sarasota County.